Tuesday, December 2, 2008


2nd December, 2008

Oh my December.... really!
So many things calling for my attention & yet here I am, in this lovely little space. An opportunity for quiet, reflection & joy. Thanks for sharing it with me.

A bit of an update is required I believe....

Not so long ago, we bought home some wee little chicks. We were amazed at how quickly their personalities emerged. At how little Flo was such a nurturer & how Ebb was (don't laugh) the cockier one. Determined, self assured, too busy for many cuddles.
I watched these two babes intently as we all bonded with daily cuddles, singing, playing & learning what the word 'patient' meant. 
I was suspicious. I said to my sweet P 'I think we may have a rooster'. Assured by all, including our chicken lady that I was overreacting we carried on. Waiting for week 20 when our babes would either lay or crow.

I was brushing my teeth the first time. I thought it was sweet that where we live we could still hear roosters every now & then
what... no... surely not... my imagination again... (crap)

A few days later I came home from a shoot. 
Sweet P - 'Should we tell Mama about the commotion in the garden this afternoon'  
I sat down, put my head in my hands & shook my head. Paulie laid his mobile phone in front of me & played the recording he took of our Ebby's first proper 'cock-a-doodle-doo'.
Yes, a rooster indeed.

So the heartbreaking decisions about the logistics of housing a rooster. Of fertile eggs. Of early morning wake up calls. But finally of just what the term 'cock' means. One rooster, one hen. It ain't no fairytale romance people. 

We had several months in which we were able to come to terms with the decision & then farewell our Ebby friend. He would be returned to the farm from where he came (a small, beautiful, free range situation where there are harems of happy hens sharing their roosters). We would wait until some young hens were available & then make the swap.

But.... Flossy went broody. Seriously. 
So a change in plans saw Ebby returned home to the farm & us with 6 fertile eggs to gift to our beautiful mama-to-be. 

So. Today is day 15 of 21 hatching days. That beautiful Flossy girl has not left the nest for more than 10 mins in over 6 weeks. She sits & clucks & waits. Keeping her wee charges ever so warm & loved.

Our play, therefore, revolves around this cycle. Laying, waiting, birthing (thanks to this wonderful book) & caring for chicks & babies. Just wait till the real things appear!


Jodi said...

oh goodness me...so so sweet. Where did you get those knitted chooks?

Jules said...

aren't they the sweetest.
We've just started up a Steiner craft group at our place. We made the chooks on the first day.
So easy & fun. I'll post the instructions soon.

Amber said...

Oh wow...I love this. You may really like my post tonight. It will get you excited. We have our babies hatching at the moment.
Oh I cant wait to hear how it goes.
I love those chickens and would just love some. Please do show me how to make them.
Good luck and cannot wait to hear how it goes..xx

Amber said...

Oh and perfect pictures..as always..xx

Leanne said...

What a sweet post.... roosters...don't they pull at your heart strings. I too will be looking forward to your chooky knit instructions! They look fabulous.

karen said...

ihad the same thing with a confirmed 'definately a hen' one day out of nowhere crowing. not the greatest supprise lol:) look forward to the chook knitting instructions and sein your little babe chicks