Monday, April 14, 2008


14th April, 2008

Where to begin...? 
A tumultuous time at the moment, in our lives in the wider world. We see it, feel it & hear of other people's discontent. Why? A time of change, of shift, of new beginnings. The collective consciousness of our world is expanding. 
In our country & across the world our call for peace & fairness & rightness is being heard. Newly elected political figures make ethical decisions, based not in gain but in love. I watch with pride & exhileration. 
In our home this energy of change brings itchy feet & contemplation. New goals are sought, although not yet found. Time is spent on inner reflection with new directions slow to emerge. We each attempt to find the 'answers' but first we need to find the right questions. I feel like we are making choices for the long term. 
Little M feels this energy too of course. He is quite wound up at the moment. His behavior is extreme ~ the highs are exhilarating, the lows overwhelming. His language development is rocketing along, his body is growing so very fast. Imagination & play is becoming more intricate every day. He needs much mama time in between to reconnect & reassure. We are both looking forward to a trip to the chiro today. My first adjustment with Shady. I hope he can 'fix' my neck pain. I hope he can free up some space for clear thinking & calmness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The world can do what it wants....& yes it effects us in soooo....many ways BUT our own inner world, our truly US place is for us & us alone. We create such a sanctuary where our world is ours....not for others. Always keep, seek, love this place to re-new, re-juvenate, re-connect. P,J & M, their own special place, worl sanctuary to be shared when right to be forbidden when not. Nanny R loved taking care of her 2 special people in their time of need. Blessed to be welcomed into the sanctuary for a day.