Friday, January 30, 2009

gelati promise

30th January, 2009

It's hot. . . .    .  .  and I'm sticky.
Over 40 degrees for four days in a row. No relief in sight.

The little one has endured an endless cycle of bad children's television, burning car seat buckles, flouresent lights & zombie crowds as we too seek refuge in the shopping centres we try so hard to avoid all year. Scratchy sand, sticky skin, crunchy sand coated snacks, exhaustion & then despair at the end of the day. 
Thankfully he sleeps well at night.

We are both tired, we are both over it. 
I have not picked up my camera 'to play' in a week. I miss it but it feels so heavy & cumbersome. I wish to be light, like a feather. I wish for the breeze to be through me. I wish to float on an endless ocean. I feel so heavy.

A morning swim with the horses today lifted our spirits for a while. Then the sun rose higher, the wind picked up & you guessed it ~ hot buckles, abc kids & later today more zombi crowds.

Our Sweet P will soon be home for the weekend and has promised to take us for gelati this afternoon. It feels good knowing.    

1 comment:

Amber said...

You poor love, melting over there. It is cruel this heat. You do whatever you can to stay cool and it is hard isn't it.
I am happy to hear some relief is on the way with your sweet p and gelati.