Monday, September 22, 2008

it seems pretty straightforward

22nd September, 2008

So it's pretty simple right. Mondays we clean the house. That way the rest of the week looks bright. Until the weekend when my lovely sweet P turns order into chaos & cleanliness into disarray. Then Monday rolls around again (all too quickly) & we start the process over. 
This works well for me. I need routines. I need structure to work within. 
I    need    lists.

So I am (slowly) learning how to clean an entire home on a regular basis ~ a new concept for me my friends.

It seems pretty straightforward. You start in one room. Finish it. Then move to the next. Right? Is this what people do?
However, I'm learning pretty quickly that I am VERY easily distracted. It is soo hard for me to complete one task without being sidetracked by another. 
What does this mean you ask? What has this to do with anything.

Well nothing really. 

Except that my house ~ which would have been more than adequately tidy by now had I just stuck to the plan ~ now has 2 loads of wet washing & four piles of dirty (sorted) washing on the kitchen floor, a clean bathroom but grotty floor, a half started pile of mending on the lounge next to an unstarted vacuum cleaner & a sparkling clean fridge.

Go figure!


1 comment:

Raine said...

Awesome, my beautiful girl..wet washing not hung out will get smelly BUT we always re-wash it, sorted clothes might get muddled up BUT we can always re-sort them, grotty floors will get grotty again BUT we won't come to any harm from them, mending will always be in a pile WAITING, vacuuming will always need to be done LATER is good.........A CLEAN FRIDGE is always an exhilarating feeling & most of time for fun with your gorgeous boy outweighs anything that 'needs' to be done. Cleaning is fun when not regimented & sprinkled with distractions..there's always tomorrow. xoxoxo