Sunday, December 28, 2008

my mind's eye remains closed

29th December, 2008


I believe it was Christmas recently.....? 
A whirlwind of preparations, celebrations, traditions new & old, wrapping paper, anticipation & some good old fashioned fun.

My camera was rarely in my hands, all of the 'shots' I saw during the season shall remain in my mind's eye this year. I 'captured' the memories I wanted to hold onto & tucked them safely away. My hands busy with other important tasks ~ Like sewing & baking & holding onto my lovins'. 

Some pictures that did make it onto the hard drive.....

The excitement that is 'really helping' to decorate the Christmas tree for the first time ever

The joy in my man. Home, at long last, for the holidays.

decorating the tree & hanging our faery angel on the very top
she is the same faery who graced our very first tree in 2002

the dude really came
early christmas morning in all it's blurryness

there's stuff in here....
wow, there stuff in here :)


preparing a christmas feast for many,
our turn to host
we couldn't have been more pleased

my helper
chopping, then munching, then chopping, then munching
just as christmas preparations should be

who was more excited about this gift?
little M saving it for very last,
sweet P wanting so very badly to give it weeks earlier?
or me? Heart & soul poured into it for what feels like my whole life. 
These animals that bring such warmth, such joy, such love, 
& such truth to our home.
To his childhood.

Oh he loves them, right away he loves them. 
To hold, to cuddle, to care for.
He loves them
A lifetime full.

Full bellies, a setting sun, a happy gathering, empty plates.

the love & the play continues

Merry Christmas to all & to all a goodnight.



Amber said...

Oh that is beautiful Jules. Your little man looks so happy. I can feel the happiness..xx

karen said...

beautiful beautiful pictures, you captured it all perfectly. looks like youve had a wonderful christmas

Alicia said...

Looks like a wonderful day was had by all :) Are those animals from Die Buntspechte?

Jules said...

Thanks beautiful women. It was a wonderful week :)

Yes Alicia... Die Buntspechte. So very thrilled.

Alicia said...

wow, how did you get them?