Sunday, October 1, 2006

the very sweetest

1st October, 2006

Oh my, oh my ~ Little M laughed. He really laughed. He giggled, he chuckled, he cackled even & we were so overwhelmed by the moment.
The three of us were lying happily in bed together, chatting, snuggling, kissing, waking slowly to the weekend. Little M was on the pillows & sweet P & I were on our bellies facing him. I can't recall the reason but he just started to laugh. It was the very sweetest thing. Sweeter than honey. We basked in the warmth & glow of it for as long as we could ~ well into the day. This is what memories are made of.

It also happens to be Heather's Birthday. 
A wonderful afternoon @ T'Gallant Vineyard

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