Wednesday, October 31, 2012

an elfin cap

31st October, 2012

Playing catch up.....

Halloween win = last minute costumes pulled from the dress up basket, big eyes & smiles begging Mama 'pleeeeease, can we go tick or teating'.
3 houses: more booty than these sheltered children have EVER seen. Noah wore an elfin cap (love).
I won't get started on the complexities of Samhain/Beltane, rather I will indulge in the cute & cheeky of chocolate for a smile (& flowers they gave in gratitude).

Monday, September 17, 2012

I begin to daydream...

17th September, 2012

I anticipate the first Spring egg before the children. The leaves begin to uncurl, the Sun teases me with a little warmth in its light, I begin to daydream about the possibilities in the year ahead.

And I know that it will soon be time.

I check every day or so.
Quietly, when the children aren't looking. Then when I'm sure it's close I encourage them to check.

And then...

The surprise!

And the delight. It's pure magic. 
Especially when big brother is at school & it's the first time you've found the egg alone.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


15th September, 2012

The Queenscliff-Sorrento Ferry was celebrating 25 years. We spent the day travelling across the bay.
On board pirates handing out gold coins, mini golf & facepainting. Lunch at Queenscliff & icecream at Sorrento. A family outing ~ hi-five!

Jaspers first facepainting. *melt*

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Suspended in space

April 4th, 2012

My crazy, wild, airy, gemini boy...

You love this cosy place in my hammock. You love to curl up inside and close the top like a giant cocoon. You chatter away to yourself, or shout demands and questions to us from within. Sometimes you swing it wildly back and forth. You have decided you want to sleep in there with a doona. "It's sooo comfy Mama"
You like being in the air. Suspended in space. You like the predictability of the rocking rhythm. You like being able to shut out the 'everything' for a while.
I like it for you too. And so I sigh, and give up my hammock, and love that you love it too.

                    He was cross with me.....                                         ... but an audience always brings great delight. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ponder yonder

2nd April, 2012

It's been a while.

I'm just trying this on, to see if it still fits. What it feels like. I'm not sure.

I would love to continue this record but I'm not sure I have the time or commitment. I'm wondering about starting fresh. With a new page.

A new identity. Isn't it odd how we can do that in cyberspace?

I have learned and changed so much since the conception of Mermaid Dreaming....

Friday, February 3, 2012


3rd February, 2012


One year.
So much change.

One Summer holiday.
Never to be forgotten.

I'm noticing the details. I'm trying to remember them. Sometimes the changes are subtle. Soft.

And sometimes they're not. 
Sometimes they're loud. Sometimes they're excited. Sometimes they're bursting with nervous anticipation. Sometimes the giddy & glee is more than can be contained. 
As it should be.

Sweet boy. I love you so. I wish this next change to be full of joy & beauty & friendships & stability. 
I hope to see your happy overflow. x