14th February, 2009
9 years & 11 months ago I fell in love.
I fell with caution, with hesitation, with a little self loathing even & with absolutely no ability to slow it down or to smother the effect.
I tried, so hard, to talk myself out of it. To 'rationalise'.
We both did.
We talked about how the timing was poor, how the circumstances were difficult. How we were both enjoying other things in life, how a 'relationship' would get in the way.
How naive we were, to think we could influence the power of love.
And so almost 10 years later, I have such respect for that love that knew better than our youthful illusions. And I am eternally grateful for the music that brought us together in the beginning.
And also that music still has such a powerful place in our home, in our lives & in our hearts.
Music Festival

(taken by my 2.5 year old prodigy)

(who we first saw as an awkward teenager at the
Queenscliff Music Festival in 2002, we have been fans ever since)

(The most amazing energy emanates from this man.
Never have I seen such stage presence commanded with such calmness)

If found please call 04__ ___ ___

Love Love Love, all you need is Love

My prodigy in action
(Thanks ever so much to the kind stranger who emailed me this pic)

His pic of his Mama